St Mary's CofE Primary School


If your child is due to start primary school and lives in Islington, you must apply online. 

You can apply for up to six schools. We recommend you apply for six, if possible. Applying for only one or two schools might mean your child does not get a place at all.

Closing date for making applications is midnight on 15 January 2025.

For St Mary's, please see attached our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) if you are applying with a church criteria.

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

You'll find lots of useful information in our primary school admissions guide.

Primary Admissions Guide

There is a clear guide on how to apply on the Islington website:

Islington Admissions

St Mary's Admissions Policy

St Mary’s Church of England Primary School serves the following three Parishes in the Church of England Deanery of Islington:

  • St Mary’s, Upper Street
  • St Stephen’s, Canonbury
  • St James’s, Prebend Street.

Should there be more applications than places available, pupils will be admitted to St Mary’s School in line with the priority order in the Oversubscription Criteria. The Governing Body proposes to admit up to 30 pupils into the one class in each year group and will make sure that the number of pupils admitted to each year group will match the Department for Education and Islington recommendations.

Schools are required by law to make sure that infant class sizes (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) do not exceed 30 pupils per class. Where a Reception place has been offered, it is for a fulltime place from the September following the child’s fourth birthday. The Governing Body cannot decide to have more than this number.

The School is committed to taking its fair share of vulnerable children who are hard to place, in accordance with locally agreed protocols. Accordingly, outside the normal round of admissions, the Governing Body is empowered to give absolute priority to a child where admission is requested under any local protocol which carries the agreement both of the Governing Body and the Diocese for the current admission year.

The Governing Body has this power even when admitting such a child would exceed the normal admission number. Applications must be made on your home Local Authority Common Admissions Form. If you live in Islington this form is available from the School Admissions team at 222 Upper St. Islington. Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where the plan names the school are given a place under a different process to the admission criteria set out below. Applications for admission to all year groups will be considered in line with this Admissions Policy and Oversubscription Criteria.


1. Looked after children, and previously looked after children who have been adopted or subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order.*

2. Children who, at the time of their proposed admission, will have at least one sibling** attending the School

3. Children whose parent (s)/ legal guardian(s) are regular and committed members*** of any of the following three Islington Deanery Churches: St Mary’s, Upper Street; St Stephen’s, Canonbury; and St James’s, Prebend Street. Parent (s)/ legal guardian (s) seeking to meet the requirements of oversubscription criterion 3 should fill in the School Supplementary Form in order to ensure that the Governing Body has the necessary information to verify religious practice in accordance with the definition of Regular and Committed members*** (see below). The School will distribute Supplementary Forms which must be returned to the School Office.

4. All other applications.

Full Admissions Policy

In Year Admission

Please see a link below is you are choosing to change school mid-year or if you have moved into the area:

In Year Admission