St Mary's CofE Primary School


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Start of the day

St Mary's operates a soft start in the morning. This means children can start coming into class from 8.50am.  The gates close at 9.00am when the register is taken.  It is really important  that your child is in school in time for registration at 9.00 am. Children who arrive from 8.50 will complete early morning work set by the teacher.  Being punctual for school is not only a life skill, but the mornings are a key time where the teachers explain the day ahead and share any key information.

End of the day

School finishes at 3:30pm

Total Time in School

The total time in school in a typical week is 32.5 hours


If your child is absent please call the school office before 8:50am and notify them. If your child is ill the office will ask for more information with regards to the symptoms of your child's illness.

Please note the school will not authorise absence for holidays. 

More information regarding attendance can be found in our parent handbook.

School Closure due to weather

In the past schools only closed if there was snow.  That has changed with heat being an increased risk.  If the school does close due to weather conditions we will notify you in the following way:

  • Communication Channels: In the event of a school closure, we will communicate this information through the following channels:
  • School Website: Regular updates will be posted on our school website.
  • Parental Email: An email notification will be sent to all parents and guardians.
  • SMS Alert: You may receive a text message on the mobile number provided to the school. Early Notification: We understand the challenges parents face when arranging alternative care for their children. Therefore, we will make every effort to notify you as early as possible, typically by 7:45am, if a decision to close the school is made.

Regular Updates: We will keep you informed of the status of the school closure, including any developments or changes to the initial decision. Regular updates will be provided through the communication channels mentioned above.