St Mary's CofE Primary School


The Governing Body

School Governors are the school’s Board of Directors. The purpose of the Governing Body is:

  • to help the school set high standards by planning for the school's future, and setting targets for school improvements.

  • to be a critical friend to the school, offering the school its support and advice.

  • to help the school to be responsive to the needs of parents and the community and to make the school more accountable to the public for what it does.

Working together, Governors make decisions about the running of the school. The whole Governing Body meets nine times a year (approximately once each month).  

Declaration of Interests

Who are the Governors at St Mary’s?

The school is governed by a body of 9 governors, some of whom are elected, and others appointed. The Governing Body has a significant role in making strategic decisions, particularly on finance, and in holding the school to account through its challenge to the Headteacher.

The Governors include parents, staff and people from the local community and the church.

The Governing body at St Mary’s meets once a term.

Governor Body Membership
Eric Sorensen (Chair) Islington Deanery Synod Foundation Governor
Priya Lees LDBS Foundation Governor
Anthony David Staff Governor (Headteacher)
Veronica Coulson PCC Foundation Governor
Rev James Hughesdon
Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
Rebecca Shilling
PCC Foundation Governor
Dr Maria Koumi-Elia
Parent Governor
Julia Personnel Foundation Governor
Natalia Wood Staff Governor

The Governors for St Mary’s Church of England Primary School also attend meetings of the governing body and committees.

Declaration of Interests

Governor Key Roles and Declaration of Interest
Governor Term Start Term End Declaration of Business or Pecuniary Interests

Islington Deanery Foundation

Eric Sorensen (Chair)

6th November 2022 5th November 2026 Governor at City of London Academy Islington

Foundation Ex-Officio 

Rev James Hughesdon

31st  January


31st  January



Parent Governor

Mrs Priya Lees

23rd September 2021 22nd September 2025 None



Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy


Anthony David

1st September 2011 Ex-officio Governor at St Paul's, Governor at Monken Hadley


Natalia Wood

10th November 2022 9th November 2026 None

PCC Foundation

Veronica Coulson

19th April 2021 18th April 2025 None

PCC Foundation

Rebecca Shilling

19th April 2021 18th April 2025 None

Parent Foundation Governor

Dr Maria Koumi-Elia

23rd July 2021 22nd July 2025 None

Islington Deanery Synod Foundation

Julia Personnel

4th May 2023 3rd May 2028 None
Islington Deanery Synod Foundation Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy
LDBS Foundation Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy


Attendance 2023/24

Name September October December January February March May June July
Eric Sorensen (Chair) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rev James Hughesdon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Mrs Priya Lees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anthony David Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Natalia Wood Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Veronica Coulson Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Rebecca Shilling Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Dr Maria Koumi-Elia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Julia Personnel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes